Our stallion "Mandan Caretaker” is one of only a handful of curly, leopard-spot appaloosas in the world. His stark white coat and rust-colored spots offer a splash of color no matter the season. Most importantly, his unique lineage offers proof that the actual history of Native Peoples in the Americas is much more rich than most historians acknowledge.
“Chief Joseph,” was a leader of the Wallowa Band of the Nez Perce Nation. He is most well-known for leading his people – and horses – on an epic fight across the Rocky Mountains in 1877 to avoid federal troops who wanted to forcibly and violently remove his people from their traditional lands. His band is described by historians as having been “decimated” during the time of their surrender only miles from the Canadian border. At the time of surrender, U.S. federal officers took the band’s beloved appaloosa horses, disbursed them amongst themselves, and immediately proceeded to “improve” them by breeding them with their own, much larger horses.However, according to Dr. Collin’s dissertation research, project participants revealed a critical “backstory” that Western history had not captured. Participants shared that once the violence erupted on Wallowa territory, the Horse Society members of the Wallowa band took many of their most prized horses an alternative route to safety. These horses were taken across the Canadian border and given sanctuary by Native Peoples of that region. From this alliance, the original appaloosa horse of Nez Perce fame interbred with the ancient curly horse of the Yukon region.
We are honored to have Mandan with us as a powerful reminder of the resilience of our Native Peoples and their traditional horses!
Each sponsorship levels allows horse supporters to donate directly to the care of one of our main herds here at Sacred Way Sanctuary as part of our Ancient Horse of the America’s Sponsorship Program. Your support provides hay, grain, fresh water, salt and mineral blocks, dewormer, specialized care and other needs for the horses. All sponsors will receive a digital package including: 1) A photograph of your sponsorship herd; 2) A certificate of Sponsorship; 3) A personalized letter of support from our Sactuary team.
Wopila (thank you) for supporting our Horse Nation relatives!
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